Author: Marina Lee

Nearing the end of Sem 1- 2nd Year

Nearing the end of Sem 1- 2nd Year

Well sugar! I’ve finally got my laptop back after a hot sec. I’d been forced to finger-type on my iPad lately, which is fine, but NOT THE BEST I tell you. Now, if I had told myself I would be rubbing shoulders with some fancy 

VCA – Week One – Feb 28th

VCA – Week One – Feb 28th

School has officially started!! I’ve made it through O-Week, singing on the FIRST. DAY. like what?! I got to sing in front of Andrew Byrne, who is basically a celebrity in the musical theatre world! He’s worked with Taylor Louderman, taught Renee Rapp, and worked 



So. Oh. My God. After miles and miles or kilometres and kilometres of walking around town, Kmart, Ikea *see photo for our mood post Ikea*, and Office Works, I am officially moved into my new apartment/dorm thing. Dude, I’m gonna be honest: this feels so weird. I feel like I’m on vacation for a little bit and I’m going back to Tassie in like a week, but “SIKE” that’s not true.

I’ve got all the essentials: coffee, tea, a rice cooker, and music. I’m set up, thanks to my absolutely wonderful parents who flew over with me. 🙂 I’m booked into the campus, all ready to go and sing/dance! WOO! (that was my valentines day present to myself hehe) It has been an absolutely hectic few days though, grabbing key cards, and LOADS of things. However, I could not be more excited to go to school. Honestly, that is the thing that’s keeping me from freaking out about leaving my family right now. haha! ~you know you’re a theatre kid when you listen to Dear Evan Hansen to calm down~

But yeah, anyways, here’s step one in the VCA journey. Cannot wait.

-marina xx

Dad (post Ikea)
Moving to Melbs

Moving to Melbs

So! Next thing on the agenda; MOVING AWAY! Like what?! Finally heading off to Melbourne to pursue musical theatre full-time at VCA! What an absolute dream. I’m a huge family person, so I think about leaving them and how hard it’ll be, even though it’s 

Blogs on Websites

Blogs on Websites

I have no idea what to do with this. Alright. So. Here’s the deal. I have no idea what to do with this blog. Do I talk about the shows that I’ve done? Do I foster my enjoyment of writing, and just update you guys 

Hello world! Hi Internet!

Hello world! Hi Internet!

Welcome to my website!